imgr app instant messaging
imgr instant messaging app
imgr app free instant messaging
Messaging Has Evolved...
Send Branded Instant Messages!
Turn Your Text & Instant Messages Into Custom Branded Messages!
Gain "Likes", & expand your social media reach.
Share your business with your friends, & contacts.
Build your brand through social interactions.
Raise awareness for your favorite cause, or charity.
By using imgr for your daily instant messaging, your friends & contacts are just a tap away from your blog, social media page, or website of your choice. Think of it like emoji's on steroids! Why embed a smiley face into your instant message, when you can embed your own personalized logo, and a customized live footer text link too.
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Build Your Brand With Every Outgoing Message
  With imgr, you have complete control of how your instant messages are viewed by your friends & contacts. In just a few easy steps, you can create branded custom promotions that will be embedded within your outgoing instant messages. Your branded messages will include your logo, and a live link (url), placing your friends & contacts just a tap away from your blog, social media page, or other cross-channel marketing efforts.  
  Manage How Your Messages Are Viewed By Your Friends & Contacts  
Your Personal Trainer
We're going to dinner at 7.
I'll call you when we're done. Do
you and Jenny want to meet up later?
1. Create a custom promotional header (optional).
2. Insert a logo from your camara roll, or choose from our imgr icons.
3. Select your favorite bubble color, which will be visable to your friends, & contacts.
4. Create a live text link footer, linking directlery to your social media page, or website.

Expand Your Social  ReachConsistency Is The Key
An important element in building your brand is the ability to expand and maintain your social connections. Though a large social following doesn't happen overnight, nor is it the result of simply showing up on social networks. You may have the coolest photos, blogs, or posts on your social media pages but if no one is looking at them, they won't be very effective.

Building a potent brand and large following requires fortitude and consistency. This is where imgr sets itself apart from the other social platforms. By providing a way to embed your brand directly into your personal daily interactions, your friends and contacts remain engaged, and are just a tap away from your social media pages, initiatives, and updates. With imgr, it's easy to stay consistent.

Learn More > Learn more about building your brand with imgr.
Learn More > Share brands you like, and earn CA$H! More >
imgr is redefining messaging - discover what imgr can do for you!
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