imgr instant messaging app
So Easy To Use...
Just Download, Launch, and Chat!
Register - Verification
Home Menu

When you first open up imgr, you will register with your phone #.
Enter your phone # and tap the arrow.

imgr will send you an SMS Text Message to your phones native text message (iMessage) app with a verification code. This is to verify that you are the owner of the phone # that you provided. Once you receive the code, enter it here, and Tap the Arrow. ( If you are experiencing trouble receiving the SMS Authorization Code to activate your imgr account, please go here >)

Once successful, you can complete the rest of your profile, or finish it later. Tap on the Checkmark after you have completed your profile to continue. imgr will ask if you would like to receive push notifications, and will ask if you would like to sync your contacts. We recomend that you sync your contacts that way you can begin chatting with your friends and contacts who are already imgr users.


Contacts - All
Contacts - IMGR
All (Contacts)
When you sync your contacts, all of your phone contacts will be pulled into imgr and will be displayed in your "All" tab. Your contacts who are already imgr users will be labeled (imgr).

IMGR (Contacts)
Any of your contacts who are current imgr users will be displayed in your IMGR Contacts tab. You can begin chatting with any of these contacts. Tapping on their photo or name will start a chat. Tapping on the "i" icon will bring up their profile.

Don't forget to invite your other friends who have not discovered imgr yet. You can easily invite them by tapping on the "Invite" button.

When a contact that you invited to imgr, downloads imgr and registers, you will then see them listed in your IMGR Contacts tab, and can then begin chatting with them.


Contact Profiles

Edit Contact Profile
Go to Contacts > Tap the "i" icon next to the contact you would like to edit.
You can customize each one of your contacts profiles and determine how each individual will recieve your promos.

Promos ON/OFF. If turned "OFF", No promos (sponsored & personal) will be placed in the messages you send to them. Note: You will have the option of adding a promo if desired when composing your message.
Auto Rotate ON/OFF. You can turn ON/OFF auto rotate promos for that individual. If turned "OFF" the same promo (last one you sent) will always be inserted into the message. Note: you will have the option to change it when composing your message.
Sponsored Ads. You can Enable/Disable Sponsored Ads for the individual contact. If "Disabled" no sponsored promos will be included in auto rotation for that contact. Note: You will have the option of adding one when composing your message.
Personal Promo. You can Enable/Disable Personal Promos for the individual contact. If "Disabled" no personal promos will be included in auto rotation for that contact. Note: You will have the option of adding one when composing your message.



This is where all the fun starts. You can begin chatting with your friends and contacts. By default imgr will auto rotate the Promos into the messages that you are sending.

The chat screen on the left show examples (in green bubbles) of Personal Promos that were created by your contact "Steve" within the imgr app and sent to you. The chat bubbles in purple on the right are examples of Sponsored Promos. Users can earn CA$H when sending Sponsored Promos.

Promo Display Bar at the top:
The promo that is next in line to be inserted will be displayed at the top of your message screen. From there you have 4 options:

1. You can leave it as is, and the promo displayed will be inserted.
2. Swipe on the promo to go to the next promo in the rotation.
3. Select a specific promo by taping the "+" icon and select one of your choosing.
4. Tapping on the bull horn icon will disengage (Turn OFF) promos for that message and no promo will be included.


>Promo Settings

You can customize your settings:
1. Set your Profile. Name, Photo, and Email.
2. Promo Settings (see promo settings below)
3. Bubble Color. You can choose the color of your chat bubble that will be visible to your friends. (Green, Purple, or Blue)
4. Block Contacts who you do not want to receive messages from.
5. Font Size. Set your font size.
6. Promos. You can turn all promos ON/OFF for the entire app.
7. Notifications. ON/OFF

Promo Settings
1. Turn sponsored promos ON/OFF for the entire app.
2. Deselect sponsored ads that you don't want to include.
Go to: View/Edit Sponsored Ads > Edit > Select/Deselect
3. Create your own personal promos (see section below)
4. Turn auto rotate promos ON/OFF. When auto rotate is "ON" all of your promos including any personal promos created will automatically rotate into your messages in random order.

Create New Personal Promo

Go to: Settings > Promo Settings > View/Edit Personal Promos > Create New Promo

Promo Image/Icon: This is a small image or icon that will be displayed within the top left corner of your message bubble. You can select images from your camera roll, or from available imgr images. The imgr icons are sized exactly to fit within the application (34 pixels X 34 pixels). If you choose images from your camera roll, the app will reduce the size to 34 X 34 in order to fit within the app. If your image is square, then it will simply resize smaller. (Ex. Blue "Like" Thumb)
Promo Name: This is the "Name" of your promo that will display in your personal promo list. It will not appear in the promo received by your contacts. It is only for your reference. (Ex. My Page)
Header/Promo Message: This will appear in the top shaded area of your promo that will be visible when received by your contacts. (Ex. Like My Page). Note: This field has a maximum of 24 characters in order to fit on one line in the message bubble.
Link (URL): This is the actual live link that is behind the Link Text. If your contacts taps on the footer (Link Text), they will go to your destination website url. Example: (there is no character limit on the url)

Note: You do not have to have a link text and link url. But you cannot have one without the other.
Link Text: This is the text that will be displayed in the bottom/footer area of your message bubble and will be viewed by your contacts. (Ex. Tap Here to Visit >) Note: Maximum 24 character limit.

This is how the personal promo that you just created (above) will look to your contacts. If they tap on the bottom link "Tap Here to Visit >" they will go directly to your website, or social media page.

In this example you also chose the "Green" bubble color in your settings. You can select from Green, Purple, or Blue.

imgr is the only instant messaging app that lets you determine how others will view your message.

View the create your personal promo instructional video >